VoIP became very popular over the last few years. It is used for multiple purposes, many business companies decided to invest in VoIP service and switch to it. It is considered to be a valuable alternative to the traditional phone service, the main advantage being the affordable cost and low rates calling, so selecting it over the traditional route is wise.
Take into account how much money you can save on your phone bills. Like every other service it has the good parts, bad ones and ugly. There are always things you should be aware of and it is good to know all of them so you can evaluate and decide what is right for you.
The good
Affordable rates: VoIP gives you the great possibility to call anyone in the world and to talk to them as long as you want. This is really acceptable. The most important in a good VoIP provider is the service they provide, the quality of calls, connections and consistency to reach someone. In case you use VoIP PC to PC, the calls are free no matter in which part of the world they are made.
Additional features: These make VoIP really attractive, the possibility to manage all your calls, the following features are convenient: call history, call forwarding, call waiting, speed dial, voicemail, payment history, there are multiple options to fulfill your account. You can view your understandable bill through the Internet, all the calls and contacts can be managed easily. Access your VoIP account just like your regular email anywhere where is an internet connection.
There is also the possibility to integrate VoIP with your existing phone connection. As long as the broadband connection is available you can make calls from your virtual numbers from anywhere. VoIP will bring financial savings, increase in productivity for the enterprise.
The bad
The biggest drawback of VoIP usage is the lack of reliability, everything relays on the internet connection and in case it fails you cannot make and receive calls. Without power VoIP is useless. Not all VoIP providers support emergency calls. The emergency service can be limited.
Some break-ups in the connection can appear when you use your internet connection for high-bandwidth purposes. Sometimes VoIP technologies are vulnerable to a multitude or different attacks. The security aspect is important, so check with your provider the methods they use to prevent the frauds and the hackers attacks.
The ugly
Make a good analysis of all the advantages and disadvantages of the VoIP service, also regarding to VoIP provider you are choosing. When you know exactly your current amount that you spend on the phone bills, and how much you will save, your requirements, then it won’t end up ugly because your VoIP implementation will be successful.
Also consider the network connection as it has to be redesign, so it can meet the requirements. Sometimes it is better to ask a consultant to assist you as you switch to the new system. Avoid the ugly parts; make the transfer to VoIP beautiful and pleasant.
No doubts that VoIP service will take a leading position in the communications in the future, and will spread around the world even widely then now, because the advantages are more than negatives factors. The deep analysis pushes you to switch to it because it is simply reasonable and you can find the necessary choice for your business or home.
ABC-VoIP Ltd. is a Leading Communication Company. It provides the full range of VoIP communication services. Please check the Calling Rates and enjoy your new VoIP service. ABC-VoIP team will be glad to guide you through the installation step and you will always find the great customer support.
Image courtesy of KROMKRATHOG at FreeDigitalPhotos.net
Generally my spouse wants to take the drop but I’m not so assured. I was studying about possible issues with VoIP and there seemed to be a lot more than residential. If my clients are going to encounter bad fixed, late speech etc it could damage my company.
I think my spouse is preparing to go with a faktortel strategy with two collections (one for fax) and it will be mainly used for inbound phone calls, not really going to use it for confident phone calls as most of that is done via our cell phones.