Web Hosting – Find out the Basic Knowledge

Categories: Hosting & Domains

Most of the dictionaries provide the following simple definition for the web hosting – “a business providing hardware and services to store, maintain, and present Web sites and provide Internet connection to those sites”. Simply speaking web hosting is making a website alive, available in the Internet. The most important part from this is connection to the Internet. The faster it is, the more quickly people will find your business, information, news.

You need to keep your website organized and comprehensive, also think about the money you spend on the maintenance and repairs; also your data security is an important factor to pay your attention for. There are many possibilities of finding free hosting; this acquires only the computer with Internet access and some technical knowledge from your side. This can be completely satisfying in case you have a simple website, blog or multifunctional application.

Is this option suitable for busy and feature-rich web sites?

Business Man Pointing To The CloudWhen you need an uninterrupted Internet connectivity, some additional features such as email, certain databases, application development platforms, the free webhosting might be not a smart solution. It might become difficult to host and manage your own website in house.

The complete solution that you are looking for can be the purchase of hosting package that will meet exactly your expectations, or you can move your server to a collocation center and the need to power and cool your equipment will disappear. It is clear that everything depends and your needs and abilities.

Domain Name

Domain name you choose has great importance on your future website. The domain name is the name the visitor type in the address bar of the certain search engine. Your online appearance depends on the name you are choosing.
The way it will be displayed tells a lot about your professionalism. Consider even the trifle, how easy you domain name can be remembered;  when all the little details are well thought, this will definitely influence your further promotion campaign and will drive more customers to you.

“Shared host” and “Dedicated host”

The domain name is linked to an IP address, and it points to a specific machine. When the user enters the name of your website the IP address is located and web site is loaded from your web host. There are known “shared host” and “dedicated host”. The name is speaking for itself, “shared host” – one single computer hosts hundreds of websites. “Dedicated host” has one single website to host. Usually this type of hosting is expensive and it is dedicated for big enterprise that has website with huge amount of traffic.

There are thousands of web host available, to find a good one is not too had if you make a proper research and know your requirements such as good technical support, little downtime, the perfect choice is when there is no downtime. Think about the bandwidth and disk space that you will need. Estimating the traffic of your website and its size is a key to know what monthly fee you can pay for your hosting.

Image courtesy of basketman at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

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