Why More and More Consumers are Switching to VOIP?

Categories: VoIP & Telephony

Nowadays free Internet phone service became very popular, the possibility to make long distance calls over the Internet draws attention of many people. No one can imagine his life without Internet, and the fact that it is so widespread gives the opportunity to make calls even for free.

Many persons decide to abandon the traditional phone service in favor of VoIP, basically your phone calls travel over the Internet as a data, like emails do. There are many factors that influence to make appropriate decision, to switch to VoIP system. Let’s highlight only few advantages from plenty of them, which will help you to make the most from VoIP and realize that Voice over Internet Protocol is affordable, convenient, fast growing service.


The way you can make and receive phone calls is not much different from traditional phone service, there are no drastic Switch to VoIPchanges. The sequence is similar, with just even more convenience; you can track your phone calls, manage voicemail, view billing record, change your account information any time you want to, and increase your productivity.

Affordable Calling

By using VoIP you can make unlimited long distance calls; there is no additional charge or hidden fee. The VoIP Company will charge you definitely less than their competitors, so you can cut the standard cost in half. You pay monthly for residential service, and this includes all common phone features.


If you use VoIP it doesn’t mean you are linked to your Personal Computer only; VoIP allows you to do things which are not possible with the traditional phone service. You can make calls using standard phone with VoIP adapters, or even better feature-rich IP phone, your number travel with you, wherever you go you will be always available.

Your relatives, friends, customers, employees can always be in touch with you, so you won’t miss the important call. Your VoIP service is received through an adapter and hooked to a regular phone.

 Call Quality and Additional Features

Considering that VoIP technology is progressing all the time, the call quality has been improved strikingly especially nowadays. Most VoIP users and VoIP call recipients find that the VoIP call quality cannot be distinguish from PSTN phone service. If the hardware that you use has a good quality and you have the high speed internet connection and congestion, then your VoIP  experience is likely to be excellent. The additional features will bring you rich and complex experience both for your personal use, and business purposes.

VoIP technology has rewritten the rules for the phone services. Of course there are some little pitfalls, but the benefits of the VoIP overweight these potential drawbacks. You don’t need an IT degree to become a VoIP user. To switch to it or not it is up to you, but consider all the details and it will be clear that VoIP is flexible, affordable technology which will rule the future communications. As the market matures you will discover more and more options for migrating from traditional phone to VoIP system.

ABC-VoIP Ltd. is a leading VoIP phone service provider. It gives you more for your phone service and for a lower price. Make an informative decision, our goal is to provide the highest quality, most cost-effective calling plans and multiple features.

Image courtesy of stockimages at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

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